R E S T //

I walked up to the door this morning and there was his wire cart filled to the brim with blankets, coats, and who knows what else? I correctly presumed that it belonged to Thomas, but Thomas was no where around. I felt that tinge of frustration that his stuff was just sitting there outside our door. It’s Christmas, second Sunday of Advent – today we focus on Peace, and I could feel my personal peace be shaken just a little bit. I wanted everything to be perfect -it’s the holidays, not really wanting to deal with a cart of personal effects belonging to a presumptuous homeless man. 

I stepped through the door and the worship team was already running through the songs we would sing later during worship. The room was so peaceful. I could feel Jesus in the room. And there sat Thomas. Front row. Head down. I couldn’t tell if he was praying or sleeping. But he never looked up. As i milled around the room I contemplated waking him up. We didn’t need a homeless man sleeping on the front row while people were coming in to worship.

Then…. There it was again, that gentle whisper, and what felt like a hand on my chest. “Shannon,” Jesus said. “Leave him alone. Let him rest in my presence. This is the only place where he can find this kind of peace.” So I did and I decided to follow Thomas’s example. As we entered into worship I stopped stressing, fretting, milling around and took time to rest in His presence. 

Jesus invites you to do the same – today.  

Leave your baggage at the door. 

Step into the room where He is – that sacred space. 

Take a deep breath. 


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