Sidewalk Conversations // 82820

I learned today that one of our regular friends George, passed away three months ago. George was Chattanooga’s Shoe Shiner. If you wanted to see this guy light up ask him about shining shoes. He was always proud of his work. Word on the street was that he actually was a shoe shiner in the movie “42,” the Jacki Robinson story that was partially filmed right here in Chattanooga. He would come in every morning and get a little coffee and show us something he bought at Walmart or some other place, and he would brag about what a good deal he got. He moved around a lot between extended stay places, but at least he slept in a bed and under shelter. He always tried to stretch every penny he had. He always smelled like aftershave. A couple of years ago he was battling stomach cancer and we prayed for him often. He told me one morning he was sitting in our shop and flash of light came right at him at the table where he was sitting. He felt something hit him in the stomach and then he said he felt heat all over his body. It wasn’t long after that he went to the dr and found out that his cancer was gone. He was convinced that God had healed him sitting right there at that table. I don’t know about his last days, how he died, if he died alone. From what information i have that’s probably how he went. Our staff is a little sad today to hear that George is gone, but man we sure are glad that we got to have some sidewalk conversations with him. That shoe shiner sure shined up our lives when he came in. Keep shining George. Rest In Peace dear friend. . (George Truitt, Jr. 11/10/1946-06/03/20)

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